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How's It Growing? A Mental Health Tool

I am a cactus. Mental health can feel like a really complicated topic. It can be hard to understand our emotions and what is are normal for us and what we need support with. I recently discovered a great tool for doing some brief self-assessment and learning some strategies to help maintain or develop wellness. It's called How's It Growing? and it is a tool for young people developed by Mind Your Mind, the Government of Canada, and Canada Service Corps. The tool takes you through a brief quiz and then tells you what kind of plant you are. It then provides some insights into what you need to grow well as a plant and what you can do to support your own growth. Check it out and let me know what kind of plant you are!

Development of Morality

*Fair warning, this post is different than our normal short articles. It is a paper that I wrote for my undergraduate degree. I hope you enjoy and perhaps think about some things that you would not have thought about otherwise* Development of Morality: Childhood and Faith Development It is not often that one hears or sees something that truly changes their outlook on life or their feelings about their purpose.   I once heard someone explain that there are resume virtues and eulogy virtues.   That is to say, that there are characteristics that people think are important in the moment, or in life, and then there are things that people will actually remember about you.   Your resume virtues are things like being organized or always being on time, but eulogy virtues are things like making people smile and helping out friends.   So how does one learn what these things are? How does one become virtuous, moral or build their conscience?   It is in childhoo...

How do we believe?

But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13 NRSV H. Richard Niebuhr states that there are five ways in which we come to believe: 1. Things that are taken for granted There are things that are accepted for fact which we do not try to dispute, the example Niebuhr gives is that the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. This is something that is known that we often don't think critically about. 2. The authority of others Other people tell us a lot of the information that we know. Our mother or father tells us not to sit too close to the TV or it will hurt our eyes and we accept their authority on the matter. 3. Through experience Through trying things and failing or succeeding, we learn truths about life. For example, when you put off doing your chores and then cannot hang out with your friends later in the w...

Creation, Revelation, Redemption

Someone I have come to admire quite a bit is a man named Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. He is an excellent scholar and author. His website releases weekly articles called Covenant and Conversation. In one of theme, it states, " Creation is God’s relationship to the world. Revelation is God’s relationship with us. When we apply revelation to creation, the result is redemption : the world in which God’s will and ours coincide". Our theme over the past months has been "Care for Creation" and we have looked at the majesty of the created world. I enjoy the triad of this relationship by which the created world, humanity, and God come together. Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God in the gospels, and we say in all the time in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven".  Again here, we see this link between the kingdom and the will of God. How do we know what God's will is? Take a moment to pray on this. What is God...


Some of you have mentioned before that it can be hard to share our faith with our friends who do not practice a religion. Perhaps being Christian is something they would make fun of, or something that would make us seem different. I, too, have found myself in these situations, where it feels like we have to hide who we are. But what would true courage be? Though it can seem impossible, our friends might be more accepting than we first think, and perhaps we can change their stereotypes of what being Christian is. This is a form of evangelizing too: to teach others what Jesus taught us. The quote in the photo is by Brene Brown. If you have a chance, I recommend reading some of her work. Here is a link to one of her TedTalks where she discusses vulnerability and shame:

Care for Creation

On Friday night, we had the awesome experience of learning about seed planting, worm composting, and growing your own food. God has given us the beautiful gift of the earth which is especially evident for us in the Spring. We have the chance to see new life blooming everywhere and creation occurring all around us. In Luke chapter 8, Jesus tells us the Parable of the Sower. Seeds are dispersed onto various places, some of those places are good for seed to grow, and others are not. Jesus then explains that the seed is the word of God. Some people want to hear the word of God, but the weeds in their life choke the word. Others, are not ready to hear the word of God like the seed that is planted on rocks with no moisture. Through creation, we can see so many of the ways that God works in the world and is always creating. It was great to get to be a part of creation on Friday. We are going to continue our care for creation in June at the Ignatius Centre. Matt, a member of our communi...

25 Songs in 25 Days: Day Three

A Song That Calms You Down A song that has always calmed me down is "Cold As You" by Taylor Swift. This song is from her first album, titled after herself which was released in 2006. You can follow this link:  to listen to the song. The song is the emotional story of the downfall of a loveless relationship. You may be asking yourself why that would be a song that calms me down. The piano has a lot to do with it. But the honesty of the song hits my heart in a way that makes me feel calm. It's a song that I have listened to so many times and I know all of the words. I often find myself singing it when I am sad and now I barely listen to the actual song because I prefer to sing it myself. I am curious to know: what your songs are that make you feel calm and close to God and your thoughts?