Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Sometimes, when I am struggling to love my friends and family, I think about what a HUGE task it is to love our enemies. We often do not use the word "enemy" too much these days, so let's take a moment to think about what Jesus was talking about when he said to love our enemies. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us to pray for those who persecute us. Perhaps we have been wronged by someone, an organisation, a company, a family member. The point that Jesus is making here is that it is easy to love people who love us and are kind to us. But, it is harder to love people who treat us poorly. For me, I also find it hard to accept that I might not be able to change those people, in fact I probably won't be able to change them. The only person I have that kind of control over is myself. It takes courage to change. But Jesus calls for radical change in the way that we think, the way we speak, and the way that we love. I had ...
Blog for the youth and their families of the Dublin Street United Church.