There are events in life that happen which totally change how we see the world, how we live, and how we love others. When these things happen, it can feel like we are starting life over again. For example, I sometimes think back to high school and I feel like that was a totally different life. Who I am now is so different, and yet the same. It is a wonderful example of life's paradoxical nature. This was on my mind in the last week because my Grandpa had a heart attack last Thursday. He has been in the hospital and is making a slow recovery, but he has heart failure which means that his heart is no longer functioning the way that it should be. Because of this, he has to follow a very strict diet, weigh himself every morning, sleep in certain positions, and many more things. This is going to be a total change in his life. At 76 years old, it is like he is starting a new life. It is hard to imagine that our lives can continue to change and totally turn us around.
I think a lot about the idea of pre-determination, where God has already planned out everything in our lives. In some ways, this seems at odds with free will. If God already has a plan for me, do I have any choice in what happens to me? There are so many things that are out of our control, we fight to hang on to whatever control we might have. But maybe the old saying rings true: let go, and let God. It can be hard to admit that there are so many things that are out of our control. I cannot determine what someone else does with their life, as much as I might want to tell them how to do things. This is a different way of thinking about things for many people. For me, thinking about life this way was like starting a new life. It does bring a lot of relief, once you adjust to the idea of it.
What have been some moments in your life that have really changed how you see things? Take some time to share them with your family. Sometime it can be really nice to talk openly about how crazy life can be. And, you might learn something new about a family member.
Take care of yourselves and your bodies. This is the only one we have.
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