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25 Songs in 25 Days: Day One

While I am not musically talented, I am an avid music consumer and the kind of person who will listen to the same song over and over until I know every part of it by heart. So, I thought I might share a new way of reflection with you through music by doing a writing spree. Each day, there will be a new reflection about a different song that has some sort of significance to me. I hope you enjoy!

Day One: A Song From Your Childhood

Vincent - Don McLean

When I was a small child, my Dad would sing me songs before I went to sleep at night and Vincent was one of the songs that I requested the most. I didn't really understand what all of it meant, but I knew it was a sad song, and to me that really shows the power of music. I liked that the song made me feel something and that I felt like I could relate to the song. Don McLean is an incredible songwriter, in my opinion, because he is able to create such amazing images in one's mind as they listen to the song. One of the verses of the song goes:

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colours changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's living hand
But I could have told you Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.

When I was in my third year of university, someone that I went to high school with was hit by a car and died on impact. Though I would not have called us friends, his death really impacted me because he was a person who made a positive impact on every person he came in contact with. He was a leader at my high school and got the school board to pass a motion to have gender neutral bathrooms at all the schools which are available to students. When he died, it brought thoughts to my mind like this song. Perhaps the world was not meant for someone so beautiful. Perhaps he had done what God sent him here to do.
